


Information in accordance with the requirements of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Timo Boll Webcoach GbR
Albertshäuser Straße 6
97234 Fuchsstadt



The Timo Boll Webcoach GbR is represented by the partners Timo Boll and Andreas Ball.

Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG: DE310648285


Legal information, quality assurance, disclaimer

The information provided on the websites of Timo Boll Webcoach GbR is continuously updated and supplemented with the greatest care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of the data provided, as a change that has occurred in the meantime cannot be completely ruled out. This also applies to all websites of third parties to which a hyperlink is provided. Timo Boll Webcoach GbR is not responsible for the information contained there (external content) to which access to use is merely provided via hyperlink.

Timo Boll Webcoach GbR therefore excludes any liability in the above-mentioned context. Content and design of the websites of Timo Boll Webcoach GbR are protected by copyright and may only and at the discretion of Timo Boll Webcoach GbR be changed or supplemented by authorized persons. The duplication of the contained data and information requires the previous written agreement of Timo Boll Webcoach GbR.

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